Today is the beginning of our 34th class
Today is the beginning of the second week of our thirty fourth FaithWorks class! Our Summer 2014 class fills the classroom with nineteen incredible men and women – a large number for a summer class.
This FaithWorks family is spending the morning with Dave Dalzell as he walks them through the first peek at the Gospel of Matthew. They will meet the family that God chose to be the greats in Jesus’ family – most of us know the story of Mary and Joseph, but we don’t often spend time exploring the other greats : great-great aunts and uncles and great-great-great grandparents listed in the opening verses of that book.
This afternoon, the class meets Gloria Bradshaw for the first time and they begin the journey through Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Speaking of greats, Gloria is stepping in this afternoon to teach after having double knee replacement surgery three weeks ago.
FaithWorks is doubly blessed by the caliber of volunteers who work with our students – not only by their impressive education credentials, but also by their dependability and determination to be here.
Derek Brown is back at the laptop creating this incredible June newsletter – we have ALL missed Derek and his creative and beautiful newsletters. Derek led an ACU group in Germany over the recent spring semester.
There are many others, like Lynda Sharp who is outfitting our students in our Clothing Shoppe this afternoon and tomorrow.
Like always, you have an invitation to meet these heroes – students and volunteers alike. Stop by for lunch. Any weekday. Twelve noon. 1229 North Mockingbird Lane, Suite E.