Our Career Development Program
FaithWorks is different from other job-training programs. As a participant in the program, you will receive:
FaithWorks wants to help you choose not just a job, but a career. You will learn how to turn your interests and abilities into the opportunity of a lifetime.
FaithWorks offers individual and group counselors who help you improve your personal life — especially how you feel and act on the job. We also teach life skills and match you with a mentor suited specifically to your professional path.
By the time you graduate, you will be equipped to find a job. FaithWorks will teach you how to network, create a resume, and interview successfully.
As a FaithWorks student, you will have the opportunity to explore your own spirituality through weekly Bible study, journaling and prayer.
FaithWorks Internship Program
FaithWorks students participate in 60 hours of internships during the last few weeks of class. Students are matched with their internship providers based on their abilities and long-term employment interests.
Internships provide opportunities to experience and pursue careers that match a student’s personal interests. Completing an internship provides for the development of strong teamwork skills balanced with the exercise of individual responsibility. Internships also increase the chances of building professional networking contacts and mentoring relationships. Internships help students become viable, experienced job applicants when seeking employment after graduation. In fact, many employers consider internship experience in the hiring process, and often look to their own interns as the best potential candidates for full-time positions.
Alumni Stories
Rebekah Vaughn has come a long way from the days she lived in a shed in Abilene. Lost, confused Rebekah spent six months caring about nothing: Especially and including herself. Before she found FaithWorks, her life was the sum total of co-dependency and a host of other addictions.

Typical FaithWorks Day
Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m. Class begins at 9 a.m. with the daily Psalm reading, journaling and prayer time. A few minutes of quiet time allows students to write in their journals. It’s amazing how quickly a person comes to know and respect another by praying for them.
Life skills training follows, which includes: how to choose, find, get and keep a job.
We have a full computer lab so that students can learn computer skills individually. A hot lunch is served at noon every day, and those who help clean up get to take home the leftovers.
Afternoon classes include:
A walk through the book of Matthew is taught every Thursday morning. Class concludes at 4 p.m. every day, pausing to recognize the day’s highlight and lowlight.
During break times, students may visit the lending library or our professional Clothing Shoppe. Students are often seen encouraging one another or lending a listening ear.
“The first week I came I felt my life changing. I went home everyday exhausted but a good tired. I was told I matter. ME!!! WOW No one but my kids and church family had ever told me that. I felt my kids and my friends at church were obligated to. But here was strangers telling I could realize my dream. I hadn’t even had a dream or so I thought. They help me find out what I wanted out of life. I had been abused all my life. It was what I expected from people. But God had another plan for me.”
– Former Student

What does it take to become a FaithWorks student?
FaithWorks students work hard to improve themselves. Learning valuable job skills is a challenge, so students must commit themselves to the full thirteen weeks of the program.
The FaithWorks class meets Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the second half of the program, students serve two days a week as unpaid interns in the career field of their choosing. Experience and job training is offered through class and the internship, and students must be motivated to complete the process.
FaithWorks is for students who have been clean and sober for more than six months.
Applicants must be adults who are able to read at a sixth-grade level or higher. Applicants must be willing to participate in five individual counseling sessions while at FaithWorks.
Sound like the opportunity you’ve been waiting for?
Visit us at 1229 N. Mockingbird and meet some of the staff and register for the class. It’s free. You will see how FaithWorks can help you achieve your goals. If you come at noon while class is in session, you can visit with students and share lunch with them and the staff.