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FaithWorks of Abilene

  /  Faith Family News   /  These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things

These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things

We are celebrating the completion of the twenty fifth graduating class at FaithWorks while we prepare for our summer class to begin on May 31st. Twenty five is such a notable number – if it were years, we’d be talking about a quarter of a century. If it were wedding anniversaries, we’d be talking about gifts made of sterling silver and the iris.(Really? Not diamonds and roses?)

So we’ve been reminiscing around the FaithWorks table and asking, ‘’what are your favorite things about FaithWorks. Said another way, “What are some of your favorite things from our first 25 classes?” The answers listed below come from former students; from our valued volunteers; and from members of FaithWorks governing board.

– A few of my favorite things about FW would include the daily connection with my classmates, the knowledge of myself and the sense of accomplishment at the end of each week. The staff has become so dear to me and my mentor was a lifeline for me that words cannot explain. And finally, my internship showed me that I did have something that was useful in the outside world of business.

– My favorite thing is watching the students grow and develop through the semester. I love watching the light that comes on their faces when they get it.

– How community is formed and the ways in which FW becomes a safe place for students and alumni. The ways in which students develop courage and boldness to face the future. The sacrificial lifestyle demonstrated by FW staff. How FW transforms the lives of students, staff and volunteers.

– The acceptance, the compassion, the support and the challenge it gives us all. Not only are the students challenged to be the better person they know they can be, but we as mentors, board members, and volunteers are challenged to bring to the table the gifts that help.

-Growth and changes in people who have given up trying. Teamwork to help the students. Watching confidence grow. The Aha! moments when someone realizes they can try for a new career that they had never considered before. Joyce (of course)

– Having a new family. The people I attended class with, the mentors, staff, volunteers and all of the many people who support FW have become my new family. I was able to get my feet on solid ground and am able to learn from so many people of all levels of intellect.

-The support to always keep climbing higher, to continue setting and achieving goals. “it’s never too late to become what we were meant to be”, so who knows how far we will go?

-The love I receive and the love I give others is the most important thing.

– One of my favorite things is the challenge (both to participants and providers) to get outside the comfort zone and, therefore, have a new opportunity to learn from people and circumstances beyond one’s own experience.

– I really appreciate the extended counseling that a student has access to AFTER FW. I love Monday with the Istres. FaithWorks just keeps on keeping on. And God just keeps on smiling on ALL who are involved in the program

-Observing how the class becomes family to each other. The willingness to pray for and help each other. The growth of HOPE during the semester.