FaithWorks Graduation! Thanks! I Needed That.
There are times when the world seems so very dark. We cannot escape the stories of the violence in Baltimore as we also mourn – if we can even fathom – the loss of over 6,000 souls an earthquake robbed in the Nepal community. My 11 year old Border Collie named Levi died at 4:30 this morning. It is almost too much.
Yet in the midst of the grieving, today I am also celebrating a season of hard work and accomplishments with the incredible FaithWorks spring class’s graduation, our 36th, in the Grace Fellowship building.
Being present at a FaithWorks graduation is one of the best reminders that there is light and goodness in the world. We share in impressive stories of darkness turned to light.
“Magnificent Meg”, a graduate from class 33 did an outstanding job of chronicling her life from a time that she describes as brokenness to her current life where she is halfway through her two year study to become certified as chemical dependency counselor. Her face shone as she spoke of how much she loves going to work every day at Serenity House.
“Keen Craig”, with a pew filled with family, told his story of transitioning from a former life of addiction and poor money management to full time employment at Dr. Tom’s Preventive Healthcare for your Computer and consideration of enrolling in TSTC.
“Proud Priscilla” interned at Hendrick Cancer Center with the incredible Linda McNeil and plans on continuing assisting in that department and working as a certified nursing aid in home health while she enrolls in Cisco College to obtain her LVN nurses license.
Jesus tells his disciples, his students, in Matthew 5 that they are the light of the world. These FaithWorks graduates are bringing light into our world – into a computer repair shop, and the Cancer Center at Hendrick. And certainly into Serenity House.
It is a highlight of mine to know that this light also shines in Mardel’s Bookstore and comes with an enthusiastic hug as you walk into the store. This light is at the metal recycling center on North Treadaway. And The Oaks at Radford Hills. You may think the welding torch provides the brightest light at Frontier Welded Products, but it could actually be the light from the FaithWorks graduate (and now, board member)holding that torch! This light shines at an Abilene Taco Bell as well as an area Subway sandwich shop. The list goes on . . . and the LIGHT continues to shine!
And as we prepare for our SUMMER class, our midpoint in our thirteenth year, that begins June 1, you may know of someone who would benefit from spending their summer at FaithWorks of Abilene. We are currently taking applications.